Parents » Parent Involvement Policy

Parent Involvement Policy

State of Hawaii Department of Education Parent/Family Involvement Policy

The Board of Education recognizes that a child's education is a responsibility shared by the school and the family during the entire period the child spends in school. To support the goal of the Department of Education (Department) to educate all students effectively, schools and parents must work as knowledgeable partners.

Although parents are diverse in culture, language, and needs, they share the schools’ commitment in the educational success of their children. The Department and its schools, in collaboration with parents, shall establish programs and practices that enhance parent involvement and reflect the specific needs of students and their families.

To this end, the Board of Education supports the Department in the development, implementation, and regular evaluation of parent involvement programs in each school. The implementation will involve parents at all grade levels in a variety of roles, including input in decision-making processes and practices. The parent involvement program will be comprehensive and coordinated in nature. It will include, but not be limited to, the following components of successful parent involvement programs:

  • Communication between home and school is regular, two-way, and meaningful.
  • Responsible parenting is promoted and supported.
  • Parents play an integral role in assisting student learning, including successful achievement of the Hawaii Content and Performance Standards.
  • Parents are welcome in the school, and their support and assistance are sought.
  • Parents are partners in the decisions that affect children and families.
  • Community resources are made available to strengthen school programs, family practices, and student learning.

The Department shall implement administrative guidelines that support professional development opportunities for staff members to enhance understanding of effective parent involvement strategies. The Department recognizes the importance of administrative leadership in setting expectations and creating a climate conducive to parental participation.

Engaging parents is essential to improved student achievement and to realize the Vision of a Public School Graduate.

Approved: 05/03/01; Revised: 09/18/03


Evidence of the BOE Parent Involvement Components

Communication between home and school is regular, two-way, and meaningful.Each student and faculty member is expected to use the “Redbook” planner given to each student; this planner is organized by the state General Learner Outcomes. This is a tool for class by class communication and documentation. It provides hard copies of resources, contact information, rules, and standard operating procedures for KHIS. Information and communication is also available through the KHIS website, the site, via on line grading (Edline) and person to person communications. The school phone system calls home for attendance checks and announcements. Daily bulletins are sent electronically to parents upon request.

Responsible parenting is promoted and supported via our “Redbook” use and expectations as the primary communication tool. KHIS also utilizes Edline, attendance tracking, and auto-phone calls to homes. Advisory lessons and parent communications with families and school personnel are handled using the standard operating procedures of the DOE so that effective and proper care and support for students is provided.

Parents play an integral role in assisting student learning, including successful achievement of the Hawaii Content and Performance Standards. Parent-teacher communication is encouraged and supported through “Red Book” production and expectations of use, through parent meetings (like open house, content area activity fairs), through signature confirmations of teacher syllabi, and through Edline with email links to teachers. Teachers and counselors also have clearly stated expectations of when to call and record calls to parents before any credits/failures are lost opportunities. After school tutorials take place two times a week in every teacher’s classroom; KHIS encourages students to utilize the UH Manoa free online tutorial sessions for math, science, and some AP courses. The school website includes Parent and Student drop down menus with resources listed.

Parents are welcome in the school, and their support and assistance are sought. KHIS has a strong poo of alumni and parents who want to support our students. They attend school activities in force, visit our online store site, attend school functions, and have started a facebook page called Red Alert, that is updated almost daily as to happenings and community call outs for resources. KHIS has on file community volunteer forms. Parents are encouraged to contact campus to attend trainings planned for parent education on school programs (Edline, ACHIEVE 3000, etc…) Information on how to visit campus and who to contact is available in the “Redbook” or by calling school or on the school web site.

Parents are partners in the decisions that affect children and families. Parent meetings give information, but also provide contact opportunities for parents. School staff and faculty are trained to direct inquiries to school administration and to communicate the steps to inquiring families. Steps and contact numbers of school programs for parents to get involved are in the “Redbook” and on the school web site. Phone call announcements to student households are made to advertise events. The school community council meets monthly on first or second Tuesday of the month.

Community resources are made available to strengthen school programs, family practices, and student learning. KHIS has developed partnerships with the district park through the Parks and Recreation Programs to share space with KHIS courses and activities. The school has partnered with the local clinic and hospital establish and support the KHIS Health Academy part of which is a community clinic on campus. Neighboring businesses provide concession support at games and large school functions. Police officers and fire fighters are next door to campus and provide timely support. Project Grad supports the school programs and fosters family practices. Turtle Bay Resort and North Shore Ocean Education Coalition provide activities for both students and teachers to build awareness of the ocean environment in the community. The DVR and Workplace Readiness connect with various businesses in the school area to support students and school pride.