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Gradebook Mistake

My apologies, but I found that there was a "glitch" in my EasyGradePro program and it wasn't recording the missing assignments (MI) as 0 (zero). So it made it seem that a student, who didn't do any homework assignments, was doing VERY well. I was able to correct this problem; I will have a printout if the students' progress report on Thursday. It will have a summary of all the assignments/assessments that was given in the first quarter.


Mrs. Camit

Information on UH's Online Tutoring.

The University of Hawaiʻi's Online Learning Academy (OLA) provides FREE, one-on-one math and science tutoring, by highly-qualified college tutors, for all Hawaii Department of Education (DOE) students state-wide. Students can log into our online tutoring room Monday through Friday, 9am to 10pm and Sunday, 5pm-10pm for help with classwork and/or homework. We offer tutoring in the following subjects: pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, statistics, biology, chemistry, environmental science and physics. (ELL students can request a tutor in their native language.)


Students can use OLA for math and science help in any of the following ways:


  • one-on-one math and science tutoring
  • AVID tutorial support
  • COMPASS math placement exam prep
  • pre-college mentorship
  • vocabulary building
  • reading comprehension
  • content reinforcement
  • quiz or test review
  • assessment corrections
  • lab report assistance
  • homework help
  • science fair


Vocabulary Matrix

This is a guided notes for learning vocabulary. This will be used to create your (the student) glossary in your binder. You may print as many as you want to help you learn & study your vocabulary, as well as staying organized.